
Welcome to legendary Guild of Ducain.

Congrats! you’ve reached the guild hall.


This is the HQ for all adventurers who love crazy adventures, little to no chance of success, and rarely anything to show for it.

If you’re here, you’ve probably been invited to join us on an adventure. This is a great honour as our 324 step screening process isn’t for everyone.

The Guild of Ducain may or may not be heroes. It’s a matter of perspective!

Innocent people regularly occasionally suffer, raccoons will be persecuted, and things may get lit on fire. You may be required to punch a baby in the face…so yeah, heads up.

Excellent. That’s not our style. In fact, we have yet to complete the original objective of a quest, and we’re the 4th generation of Ducains!

However, our adventures are legendary. They have everything from betrayal and conspiracies, to murder and mayhem, to small business operations. There’s a lot to do.

Join us for DnD and travel the land!


heads up! we have made some enemies, so not everyone is a fan 😔.
but hey, you can’t make an omelette without cracking an entire village that was in wrong place at the wrong time 😉

The wannabes are plenty (*cough Ducain Alliance) but there is only *one * OG. That’s us.

We’re old school, elite, OG, back in the day, no-nonsense types. We don’t change for nobody.

heck, we still Do Not put cocaine in our cola. (potions are 50/50 🤷‍♂️)


Heroes for hire!

(Vengeance and petty grudges are just another form of justice! 👍)


Pets and familiars welcome!
We welcome all types of Animal Amigos

>Raccoons can f*** OFF though!
